Variations on Implementing Blended Learning, by Educators for Educators

Embedding blended learning in teaching is becoming more and more varied: from doing homework online to building interactive hybrid classrooms on site. In the earlier stages (especially during the pand …

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On a mission to educate the world

TU Delft is one of the first institutions to have shared their own material on Grasple. What moved them to make their exercises openly accessible? How did they arrange the process? What does the decis …

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Adaptive learning and Open education: A Match made in heaven?

What is adaptive learning? When reading on the subject many forms of definitions appear that also determine most of the pro’s and con’s. Below you see three examples of definitions from different poin …

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3 key learnings of Grasple’s transition to a new CEO

In the video below, Elisabeth and Pim discuss the transition. This blog expands on the video and highlights three key learnings that emerged from handing over leadership of a growing organization.

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Co-creating OER in seven different patterns

Sourcing or creating teaching materials of good quality takes time - time that individual educators often cannot spare. Turning to traditional publishers, which provide copyrighted materials guarantee …

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Grasple and OpenStax are now partners

After adapting their learning materials for years, Grasple is now officially a partner of OpenStax: Rice University’s educational technology initiative and leading publisher of open educational resour …

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How to create interactive exercises for Vector Calculus

When it comes to math, there are strong indications that traditional lectures and simply ‘instructing’ students do not suffice. Vector Calculus is no different[1]. To help students fully grasp vector …

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Understanding and implementing remote active learning in 2021

Picture this. You’re giving an online lecture about Linear Algebra to a group of first-year engineering students. When you’re about to explain more about invertible matrices, you notice that most of y …

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TU Delft releases 535 open exercises on Linear Algebra!

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and Grasple have worked together to make Linear Algebra content available to everyone for free. 535 online exercises have been made available under a Creative …

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A solution for training problem solving?

Ranging from math exercises, to engineering problems and doing proofs, training students in solving math problems can be challenging. If you teach math or statistics, you will certainly recognize this …

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In-Class Experiment: Cola Tasting

“Who think they can taste the difference between regular and diet coke?”

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