Linear Algebra Exercises

Do you want to engage your students more when teaching Linear Algebra? Grasple offers a selection of online exercises and openly licensed material to enhance your education.

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Graphic of linear algebra

Open Exercises

All exercises are created by Delft University of Technology and available under a Creative Commons license. A big thanks to TU Delft for sharing these exercises with the rest of the world. Feel free to reuse these exercises in your courses, as long as you make a proper attribution.

Linear Systems I

Linear Systems II

Linear Transformation

Matrix Algebra





Symmetric Matrices


Indicates whether a lesson/explanation is available per subject
10 Indicates if and how many exercises are currently available per subject
Content has an open Creative Commons license
Content will be released with an open Creative Commons license in the near future

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As you can see, we have an extensive list of Linear Algebra exercises. But there’s more! Click on the topics below to view more openly licensed practice material, or simply create your own.

About Grasple

We make Math and Statistics Education more engaging by offering an online practice platform. With this, educators can create interactive exercises, and students can practice these exercises while receiving immediate feedback on their efforts.

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