Customer Stories

Curious how teachers use Grasple within their education? Read more about their experiences below.


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Graphic of people sitting around a table
Western Oklahoma State College Campus

WOSC Big logo

Effective teaching solutions with limited resources 

Discover how a teacher at WOSC uses Grasple's free Teacher Account to teach math with limited resources. Get inspired by innovative, cost-effective teaching solutions.

HvA campus for Grasple customer story

Hogeschool van Amsterdam logo

Modular math education on a large-scale

High-quality and personalized mathematics education for over 1000 students realized by a small teaching staff at HvA thanks to a sophisticated curriculum, a variety of ways of teaching, and the usage of Grasple as digital practice and testing tool.

Campus of the TU Delft
Logo of the TU Delft

Blended learning at TU Delft: open exercises to engage math students

The math department at Delft University of Technology provides math education to around 15.000 students. Their challenge: providing activating, high-quality education at large scale. By using Grasple, they succeeded.


Why University of Twente decided to switch to open education with Grasple

The math department at UTwente wanted to streamline education. For a more standardized quality, the university turned to open education via Grasple.


Blended learning at TU Delft: open exercises to engage math students

The math department at Delft University of Technology provides math education to around 15.000 students. Their challenge: providing activating, high-quality education at large scale. By using Grasple, they succeeded.



How Utrecht University teaches Research Methods at large scale using Grasple

"My name is Kirsten Namesnik. I am lecturer at the Methods departments at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Our challenge is to teacher at large scale: we’re helping over 1400 first year students learn the basics of research methods and statistics."

Trusted since 2014 by world-class universities

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